
2 min readMay 15, 2022

What is react js?

React is a UI development library based on JavaScript. It’s an open-source, component-based front-end library that exclusively handles the application’s view layer. It was created and managed by Facebook, and it was later utilized in major products like WhatsApp and Instagram.

Why use ReactJS?

The primary goal of ReactJS is to create User Interfaces (UI) that increase app speed. It makes use of virtual DOM (JavaScript object), which increases the app’s performance. The virtual DOM in JavaScript is faster than the conventional DOM. ReactJS can be used on the client and server side, as well as in conjunction with other frameworks. It employs component and data patterns to improve readability and simplify app maintenance.

  1. simplicity

ReactJS is simply easy to grasp from the start. Because of its component-based architecture, well-defined lifecycle, and use of simple JavaScript, React is exceptionally simple to learn, develop a great web (and mobile) application, and support. React makes use of JSX, a proprietary syntax that combines HTML and JavaScript.

2. Easy to learn

Anyone with a basic understanding of programming will find React easy to grasp. To respond, you only need a basic understanding of CSS and HTML.

3. Performance

In React, there is no built-in dependency container. Browserify, Require JS, and EcmaScript 6 modules, which we can leverage via Babel and ReactJS-di, may be used to automatically inject dependencies.

4. Testability

Testing ReactJS applications is simple. We may change the state we pass to the ReactJS view and look at the output and triggered actions, events, functions, and so on by treating React views as functions of the state.

How to build your first application in react

  1. First, install the framework package
npx create-react-app my-app

now my-app is the name of your application

2. next navigate to your new application. to do that in your IDE terminal type this

cd my-app

3. the last step is to start your application

npm start

